Our Story

We educate and empower you to be an extraordinary steward of capital.

We started with the belief that ultra-affluent families and family offices deserved better: Better alignment of interests, better diversity of opportunities, better planning, and better outcomes.

We are Prime Quadrant. Our mission is to empower families for the future.

We embarked on this journey as frustrated consumers of financial services. Everywhere we looked, we saw conflicts of interest, limited toolkits, mediocrity in service delivery, and cultures of salesmanship, as opposed to cultures of stewardship.

We wanted to avoid the frustrations and misalignments we saw in the industry and developed a basic screen to identify advisors who could add the value we were looking for. With that checklist in hand (see here), we went up and down Wall Street and Bay Street in search of advisors.

We struck out miserably.  Despite our best efforts, we kept meeting advisors who were in the business of either gathering assets or transacting with assets. These introduced interests and agendas for industry participants that were divorced from those of the clients who were seeking aligned, unbiased advice.

We felt that affluent families deserved better, and Prime Quadrant was born. Today, we serve as trusted advisors to the most successful families in North America and beyond.  We typically work on a retainer basis, which allows us to avoid many of the conflicts that arise from asset-based compensation.

We embarked on this journey as frustrated consumers of financial services. Everywhere we looked, we saw conflicts of interest, limited toolkits, mediocrity in service delivery, and cultures of salesmanship, as opposed to cultures of stewardship.

We felt that affluent families deserved better, and Prime Quadrant was born. Today, we serve as trusted advisors to the most successful families in North America and beyond.  We typically work on a retainer basis, which allows us to avoid many of the conflicts that arise from asset-based compensation.

We wanted to avoid the frustrations and misalignments we saw in the industry and developed a basic screen to identify advisors who could add the value we were looking for. With that checklist in hand (see here), we went up and down Wall Street and Bay Street in search of advisors.

We struck out miserably.  Despite our best efforts, we kept meeting advisors who were in the business of either gathering assets or transacting with assets. These introduced interests and agendas for industry participants that were divorced from those of the clients who were seeking aligned, unbiased advice.

Contrary to most in our industry, we don’t shy away from making hard decisions when they benefit our client families. We fight for what’s best for the families we serve, to maximize value, and for transparency.
